Getting an education in any endeavor is key to succeeding in it, but that doesn’t neccessarily have to be either a formal, or even a conventional education. Pop Stars such as Madonna never finished high school, and one could say that she did quite well for herself, in spite of this fact.

10 Pictures Of WCW Wrestlers In High School Fans Need To See
WCW had some of the biggest stars in pro wrestling history on their roster, but what did they look like when they were teenagers?
Some of the biggest stars in pro wrestling did not take a traditional path to success. Whether it was high school or college, these wrestlers decided that school wasn’t for them and found their own way to a stable and thriving life. While we certainly can’t recommend dropping out of school, we also can’t argue that it has stopped those who have from succeeding in WWE and other major promotions.
R-Truth Was Born To Entertain
- R-Truth was born on January 19, 1972
- He is from Charlotte, NC
- He has excelled in both athletics and music
One of the most enduring and entertaining WWE wrestlers of all time, R-Truth has taken the road less traveled to reach success. While Truth was offered scholarships in his formative years, he ultimately turned them down to focus on a career in music. The problem was that the real-life Ron Killings had also gotten caught up in dealing illegal drugs, which would eventually land him in the penintentary.
At one point, Truth was sentenced to over a year in jail, and that was when he decided he needed to correct his path. While he did graduate high school, Truth would ultimately drop out of college, and continue pursuing a career in music, and eventually, pro wrestling.
Jon Moxley
Jon Planned On Pursuing A Career As A Firefighter If Wrestling Didn’t Work Out
- Jon was born in Cincinatti, OH
- As of this writing he is 39 years old
- Jon is a 5-time AEW World Champion
Born Jonathan Good, Jon Moxley grew up in what he described as a rather rough area of Cinicinatti. According to him, shoplifting was a daily activity, and essential to his survival. He took an early interest in pro wrestling, and dropped out of high school in his sophomore year, in favor of attending wresting school.
He took a series of service industry jobs, often losing them, when he was booked to wrestle on the same night. Obviously, things eventually worked out for Moxley, which is good for him, because he’s far too unorthodox for a typical 9 to 5 lifestyle.
AJ Lee
AJ Overcame Mental Health Challenges To Succeed
- AJ Lee was born in New Jersey, on March 19, 1987
- She was trained by former ROH Champion, Jay Lethal
- AJ retired from wrestling in 2015
An unlikely success story, AJ Lee overcame numerous odds to succeed as a pro wrestler. Her family struggled when she was a child, moving from home to home, and even lived in their car at certain points. She did graduate high school, and would earn her way into the NYU Tisch School Of Arts, but was forced to drop out after 6 months.
She recalls in her autobiography, Crazy Is My Superpower, that she was so broke at one point, that she washed and reused her own paper plates. Two years after dropping out of college, she would begin her wrestling training, and beat the odds to become an all-time top female wrestler in WWE.
Lita Achieved Success Relatively Quickly In Pro Wrestling
- Lita was born on April 14, 1975 in Fort Lauderdale, FL
- In addition to pro wrestling, she also has a background in music
- She was inducted into the WWE Hall Of Fame in 2014
Lita’s rebellious and free-spirited attitude has helped define her persona as a pro wrestler. Born in Florida, she changed schools many times, before finally graduating just outside of Atlanta. She would pursue a degree in education at Georgia State, but opted to drop out, feeling as though she wasn’t on the right path.
After seeing Rey Mysterio wrestle in WCW, Lita went to Mexico to learn the art of Lucha Libre. After a brief stint in ECW, she would eventually find her way to WWE, where she became one of the most influential female wrestlers of all time.
AJ Styles
AJ Has Succeeded In Multiple Promotions
- AJ Styles was born Allen Neal Jones on June 2, 1977
- He was a standout amateur wrestler in high school, becoming a two-time state champion
- He began his pro wrestling training in 1998
As a child, AJ Styles grew up in an abusive home, as his father struggled with alcoholism. His family was poor, and as a result, they couldn’t afford cable. This kept AJ from watching much pro wrestling in his formative years.

5 Wrestlers AJ Styles Loved In Real Life (& 5 He Didn’t)
AJ Styles went from small shows to WWE. The Phenomenal One made great friends over the years, but there are some names who don’t get along with AJ.
While in college, AJ would be drawn into pro wrestling, when his friends took an interest in it. He would leave school altogether to focus on wrestling, and would go on to have an incredibly successful career.
Rey Mysterio
Rey Began Wrestling At The Age Of 14
- Rey was born Oscar Gutierrez on December 11, in 1974
- Rey’s uncle, was the original Rey Mysterio
- Rey began his training in 1989
Like many others on this list, Rey Mysterio grew up in poverty. He would have to cross the border everyday to go to school, from Mexico to San Diego. Of course, Rey’s Uncle, Rey Mysterio Sr, was a successful luchador, and would train his nephew to wrestle.
With his parents’ blessing, Rey would drop out of school and focus solely on his wrestling career. It undoubtedly paid off, as Rey has become one of the most influential wrestlers in modern wrestling. His son, Dominik, has also followed him into the business.
Roddy Piper
Roddy Had A Tough Childhood
- Roddy Piper was born on April 17, 1954
- He was inducted into the WWE Hall Of Fame in 2005
- Sadly, Roddy passed away in 2015
Unlike others on this list, Roddy was kicked out of school, as opposed to dropping out. Roddy never returned to school, and after a falling out with his father, he began living a transient lifestyle. It was while living on the streets of Canada that he met professional wrestlers, and started running errands for them.
He would start wrestling himself in the late 1960s, and would embark on a career that is nothing short of iconic. Roddy Piper is a testament to the idea that regardless of your circumstances, you can find a way to succeed in life.
Ric Flair
Ric Flair Is One Of The Most Decorated Pro Wrestlers Of All Time
- Ric was adopted as an infant
- Ric has suggested that he was possibly sold as a child
- Ric Flair was indcuted into the WWE Hall Of Fame in 2008
The origins of “Nature Boy” Ric Flair are complex and even a bit sordid. Some say his birth name was actually Fred Phillips, but he has lived his entire life as Richard Fliehr, aka, Ric Flair. Ric did graduate high school, but would drop out of college, after only briefly attending.
He began training under Verne Gagne in 1972, but wanted to quit after his first day. He was eventually talked into continuing, and the rest, as they say, is history.
Hulk Hogan
Hulk’s Public Image Has Been Compromised By Several Controversies
- Terry Bollea was born in Augusta, GA on August 11, 1953
- He began training as a pro wrestler in 1977
- Hulk Hogan was inducted into the WWE Hall Of Fame in 2005
Simliar to R-Truth, Hulk Hogan took an interest in both athletics and music as an adolescent. When he discovered Dusty Rhodes, he was mesmerized, and later found inspiration in “Superstar” Billy Graham as well.

Hulk Hogan’s 10 Greatest Rivals, Ranked By Chemistry
While he’s a controversial name today, Hulk Hogan is a legend. He competed in the biggest matches ever thanks to his chemistry with his best rivals.
While he did make it to college, his music career took precedence at the time, and he would eventually drop out. While performing at a club with his band, he would have a chance meeting with Jack and Gerald Brisco, and they would encourage Hogan to try his hand at pro wrestling. It was a fated occurence, as Hulk Hogan would go on to become one of the most pivotal wrestlers in history.
Steve Austin
Steve Austin Is Considered By Many To Be The Greatest Pro Wrestler Of All Time
- Steve was born on December 18, 1964, in Austin, TX
- He was trained by “Gentleman” Chris Adams
- Steve was inducted into the WWE Hall Of Fame in 2009
Of all those included on this list, Steve Austin came closest to seeing his formal education all the way through. He was literally hours away from earning his college degree, but injuries as a football player would ultimately influence his decision to drop out. He’s described this decision as one of the most regretful of his life.
Nevertheless, Steve would go on to break records with his success in pro wrestling. He was forced into an early retirement in 2003, though him opting to drop out of college, did not seem to hinder his progress in life, whatsoever.