The WWE ID program was announced back in October 2024 as a way for young, independent wrestlers to develop their skills by working with a number of specially selected schools, before applying what they’ve learned in both independent promotions, and on episodes of “WWE EVOLVE.” To go along with the new program, both the men and women involved will get the chance to fight over their respective WWE ID Championships, with both of the inaugural champions being determined via a tournament that will officially commence over WrestleMania weekend.

WWE have confirmed that both Game Changer Wrestling and Future Stars of Wrestling will host some of the tournaments opening round matches. GCW will hold a special event for the tournament on April 16, which in turn will be part of “The Collective,” GCW’s annual series of unique and tailored events, meanwhile FSW will host their tournament matches on April 18 immediately after “WWE SmackDown” goes off the air.

As far as who has been confirmed for the tournament so far, the women’s bracket already has the likes of Zayda Steel and Zara Zakher, while the men’s bracket is more fleshed out as Ice Williams, Jackson Drake, Cappuccino Jones, Sean Legacy, and Swipe Right of Brad Baylor and Ricky Smokes have all officially entered the competition. More participants are set to be announced in the near future, as are the other companies that will be hosting tournament matches throughout the year.

All of the names currently listed have been featured on episodes of “EVOLVE” which streams every week on Tubi, a show that Triple H believes is a great way for young performers to get their foot in the door with WWE, as well as creating a vibe similar to what “WWE NXT” had when it became its own brand back in 2012. 


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